
Forms & Correspondence

How to update your contact information

OCSB Math at Home - Resources to support math learning at home

Stay in Touch

Are you receiving our newsletters by email? Please ensure we have your correct email address and that you have created a SchoolMessenger account and set your permissions to receive general messages. 

St. Gemma is a nut-free school.

Please help keep all of our students safe at school - choose nut-free meals and snacks.

Arriving at school in the morning:

We ask that students enter the school yard on the east side of the school. The parking lot will be closed so you can safely walk through the parking lot or the sidewalk along the gym to enter the school yard. For safety reasons we are asking that you do not walk into the school yard with your child. At the end of the day students will also be dismissed on the east side of the building, exiting via the parking lot and path along the gym.

We enjoy a good relationship with our neighbours and wish to continue to do so.  Please be careful not to block driveways when picking up or dropping off your child(ren).

Catholic School Council

Fundraising and Events Information

Some events, activities, and fundraisers for 2021/22 have yet to be scheduled. If you have ideas you’d like to propose, please speak to a school council member, attend our next meeting, or send us an email at Watch the weekly school newsletter and school calendar and follow our social media to keep apprised of upcoming events. 

Volunteering: There are a variety of School Council initiatives that could use your talents and knowledge, even if you just have a little time to offer!  ***You don't need to be a voting member to get involved!***  If interested, send us an email with your contact detail and/or questions - all help is greatly appreciated.


This year we have teamed up with Papa Jack, FundScrip and FlipGive to help raise money for our school and to support initiatives to help our students, their families and others in our community, while adhering to current Public Health guidelines.

Papa Jack:

● Go to

● Add items to your cart

● Enter coupon code STGEMMA on the checkout page of your order.


● Go to

● Click on “Support Your Group”

● Enter code U64RLY


● Join our team by clicking here

● If required, enter code MLSZBG

Remember to use FlipGive before you shop online so that we earn cash back. Make a purchase within the first 14 days of joining and we'll receive an additional bonus ($5 per team member)!


St. Gemma Play Structure Renewal Project:  Although it has served us well for many years, the school’s existing play structure is in desperate need of replacement.  Learn more about this $80,000 project here.


Family Resource Library: Our collection is housed in the school office and includes a wide range of topics to help support St. Gemma parents and guardians.  For more information, including how to sign out a book and what titles are available, please click on this link.


Community and Student Support:  Throughout the year, we support a number of initiatives to help our students and others in our community (e.g. Grub-Tub snacks, Christmas Hampers).  We also aim to improve academic achievement (eg. funding for Scientists in the Schools; bursaries for each teacher/support staff member) and support spiritual growth (eg. bussing to masses; sacrament celebrations).  Some initiatives on-hold during the pandemic.

Pancake Breakfast:  Each year on Shrove Tuesday, St. Gemma parent/guardian volunteers serve delicious pancakes to students and staff.  On hold during the pandemic.


First Eucharist Reception:  In keeping with St. Gemma tradition, the families of Gr. 2 celebrants contribute potluck items and Gr. 3 parents/guardians “pay it backward” and help out at this special celebration.  On hold during the pandemic.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon:  To show our gratitude to all our amazing staff members, St. Gemma families and School Council host an appreciation lunch (i.e. potluck) at the end of the school year. On hold during the pandemic.

St. Gemma School Council Constitution

The School Council is comprised of the school Principal, and members representing:

Contact us by email:

Follow us on social media:

Facebook | Instagram

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month from 6:30 – 8:00pm (online via Google Meet or in St. Gemma’s Learning Commons). All parents/guardians are welcome to attend and join - we value your input. 

Virtual meetings: To receive log-in details for an online Google meet, please send an email to Mr. Cinanni with the subject line: Request for School Council link.

In-person meetings: We know that childcare and busy family schedules are sometimes a barrier to attending. With that in mind, we encourage you to bring your school-age children, along with their homework, reading, colouring or another activity. Younger children will need to be cared for by the parent/guardian during the meeting, as there will be no formal childcare person to look after them.

School Council 2024-2025

Co-Chairs:  Katrina Meikle/Katie Copp

Secretary: Kathryn Robinson

Treasurer: Perpetua Mulikita

Communications: Heather Pira

Hot Lunch Coordinator: Lisa Calarco-Hajjar

CSPA Representative: Alison Lennon

Community Representative: Marisa Fusaro

Parish Representative: Natasha Nesrallah

Members at Large: Kristen Lewis 

Carrie Illamn Welsh

Megan Lewis

Mark Leyton

Teacher and Support Staff Reps: 

Jean-Benoit Lanca/Nicole Lavigne

School Council members provide input and advice to the Principal on topics such as:

The School Council needs your voice, your input, your contribution to make the school better for all students, including yours!  

Meeting Dates & Minutes:

Board-wide Parent Organizations

Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA) 

The Ottawa Catholic School Parents’ Association (CSPA) is a volunteer group representing all OCSB parents. They are a resource for school councils and the parent community for information on local and provincial education issues. Through their website, social media, and email newsletters, they provide updates on education in Ottawa & Ontario, as well as tips, resources and information to help parents support their children in school. All parents are welcome and encouraged to join their e-mail list, follow them on social media @OttawaCSPA, and register to attend their meetings or events via EventBrite.

OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) 

The OCSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is a provincially mandated committee made up of parents, a trustee, the Director of Education, an elementary and high school principal, and other school board staff as required. The purpose of PIC is to support, encourage, and enhance parent engagement at the school board level to improve student achievement and well-being. PIC is a subcommittee of CSPA, and parent members are appointed by CSPA.  

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

The OCSB’s Special Education and Advisory Committee (SEAC) makes recommendations to the Board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils.